Mixed-Mode Simulation-based Executable Architectures (MiMoSEA)

The MiMoSEA technology provides a methodology for generating and executing mixed-mode simulations for quantitative assessments of architectural frameworks.  It supports the entire analytic process from consistency checking of multiple system architectures to generating the requisite simulation and emulation models.

Today’s approaches to national defense are becoming more and more “capabilities”-centric.  This focus necessitates the ability to rapidly realize systems that are formed as collections of interoperating systems:  i.e., system-of-systems (SOS).  Each component system of an SOS is a complex hybrid of elements that include information, computation, mechanical, and human elements.  While information and computation elements of these systems-of-systems are the key functionality providers, the mechanical and human components ultimately deliver the punch.  As a consequence, the system architectures themselves should enable capabilities assessment:  these architectures should be directly usable for the quantitative assessment of interoperability or performance.

The Mixed-mode Simulation-based Executable Architectures (MiMoSEA) technology provides a methodology for generating and executing mixed-mode simulations for quantitative assessments of architectural frameworks.  The methodology supports the entire analytic process from consistency checking and elaboration of multiple system architectures to the generation of requisite simulation and emulation models.

MiMoSEA consists of three major elements:

  • Intermediate Mixed-mode Language:  an XML-based Mixed-mode Simulation-based Executable Language (MiMoSEL) that combines discrete simulation (e.g., colored Petri nets) with continuous simulation (e.g., Bond Graph) to serve as the intermediary neutral language for mixed-mode simulation based executable models.
  • Toolset:  a Mixed-mode Simulation-based Executable Toolkit (MiMoSET) to automate the generation of mixed-mode simulation models (in MiMoSEL) from a subject architecture and to support the execution of the mixed-mode simulations, the design of experiments, and the management of models.
  • Methodology:  documentation of the Mixed-mode Simulation-based Executable Architecture (MiMoSEA) methodology to guide practitioners, modelers and technicians in the use of EAML+ and MiMoSET to perform quantitative evaluations of SoS capabilities.

webbanner_systemsengineeringThe MiMoSEA initiative demonstrated the viability of a formal specification and method for mixed mode (continuous and discrete) specifications of a system (at various levels of abstraction between subject and simulation languages/engines) that can be used to verify, validate, or simulate systems and systems integration projects.

The method results in significant reductions in the time and effort needed to create mixed-mode simulation models for systems integration or capability analysis based on an architectural framework.  In addition, MiMoSEA eliminates the inherent delay, unreliability and costs associated with imprecise single-mode simulations that don’t meet the analysis goals, and provides a methodology for mixed-mode simulation generation and management.